Nerdy Office Space
How nerdy is your desk?
As I sit in my cube and look around, I realize that I've got a lot of nerdy stuff. Granted, my workspace is downright sparse compared to some of my nerdier colleagues, but I can hold my own.
If you are interested in nerdifying your office space, or seeing how you measure up, I've included a list of "20 Nerdy Items at Ariel's Desk" for your reading pleasure. Note that none of these include the large collection of Sesame Street stuff that surrounds me each day. Nor the giant pile of ARCs to my left. Gosh, I have to go through that at some point...
1. Tardis USB Hub
2. 10th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver
3. Miniature Yoda
4. Miniature Wall-E
5. Doctor Who Calendar
6. Harry Potter DH1 Movie Poster
7. Harry Potter Postcard
8. Dalek Keychain
9. Handmade Beaded Tardis
10. Papercraft Tardis
11. Librarian Action Figure
12. To Kill a Mocking Bird Book Cover Poster
13. Adipose Stress Toy
14. Emily Dickinson Doll Magnet
15. Harry Potter Celebrating 10 Years Pin
16. Hufflepuff Bookmark
17. I <3 Words Button
18. Harry Potter Sticker
19. XKCD Comic
20. Grammar Postcard
Now, because I am nerdy and love to shop, please share in the comments, what nerdy items YOU have at your desk!
As I sit in my cube and look around, I realize that I've got a lot of nerdy stuff. Granted, my workspace is downright sparse compared to some of my nerdier colleagues, but I can hold my own.
If you are interested in nerdifying your office space, or seeing how you measure up, I've included a list of "20 Nerdy Items at Ariel's Desk" for your reading pleasure. Note that none of these include the large collection of Sesame Street stuff that surrounds me each day. Nor the giant pile of ARCs to my left. Gosh, I have to go through that at some point...
1. Tardis USB Hub
2. 10th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver
3. Miniature Yoda
4. Miniature Wall-E
5. Doctor Who Calendar
6. Harry Potter DH1 Movie Poster
7. Harry Potter Postcard
8. Dalek Keychain
9. Handmade Beaded Tardis
10. Papercraft Tardis
11. Librarian Action Figure
12. To Kill a Mocking Bird Book Cover Poster
13. Adipose Stress Toy
14. Emily Dickinson Doll Magnet
15. Harry Potter Celebrating 10 Years Pin
16. Hufflepuff Bookmark
17. I <3 Words Button
18. Harry Potter Sticker
19. XKCD Comic
20. Grammar Postcard
Now, because I am nerdy and love to shop, please share in the comments, what nerdy items YOU have at your desk!